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Digital Requests

Our Services

Digital requests are served by our web team, which is built up of “A Few Folks” so please be aware that timelines can be affected due to a multitude of reasons.

From web requests to email campaigns, we want to serve you in all your digital needs.
Don’t see a request form that covers your needs, please contact Shelli Rutland.

Are you looking for...

Web Update Request

Do you have an update for our website? Do you need to edit live text, add a new headshot for a recent addition to your team, and so much more? Please fill out a Web Update Request form.

Please provide all edits and new content that you would like to add. We will contact you if we have further questions.

**Note we do not mange instances of Slate, only**

Faculty Profile Request

Do you need to add a new faculty/staff member or make an edit to a profile? Please fill out a Faculty Profile Request form.

Please be sure to provide us with all net new information including a headshot photo.

Web Project Request

Do you want to revamp your section of the website? Do you want to create an entirely new experience for visitors? Please fill out a Web Project Request form.

Please provide any and all content regarding your project. You are the expert in your area and we want to serve you the best we can. We will contact you with next steps.

Email Campaign Request

Do you have something that you want to share with all of campus through email? Please fill out an Email Campaign Request form.

Please provide any and all content regarding your project. You are the expert in your area and we want to serve you the best we can. We will contact you if we have further questions.

New Academic Program Request

Has your school added new academic programs, but they are not on the website? Please fill out a New Academic Program Request form.

Please provide any and all content regarding your project. You are the expert in your area and we want to serve you the best we can. We will contact you with next steps.

Content Champions

We have come alongside the schools, departments, and centers to train members of your teams to be able to make Web Updates. Please reach out to your content contributor for immediate service.
Are you a content contributor and you need help completing a web update? Check out our content contributor help documents.


Request Type
Average Turnaround
Website Update
1-3 business days
Faculty Profile Addition/Update
2-3 business days
Email Campaign Request
2-3 weeks
Web Project
4-6 weeks