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Concert Choir

Anderson’s Concert Choir is a select mixed ensemble whose members are primarily upperclassman music students.  Any qualified upperclassman regardless of major may join by audition.  Concert Choir focuses on artistic choral literature. The group combines with the university’s other choral ensembles to perform for important campus events and the university’s seasonal and pops shows. In addition, Concert Choir performs in churches and schools in the region once or twice each semester.

Recent Performances 

How to join

To be selected for Concert Choir, students must pass an audition that assesses vocal range and quality, sight-reading ability, and previous experience. Concert Choir meets twice each week under the direction of Professor of Music and Director of Choral Activities Dr. Richard Williamson.  Members are required to make a full-year commitment to the ensemble except in unusual circumstances.

A limited number of scholarships are available for selected students. 
For more information about Concert Choir, contact Dr. Williamson at or (864) 231-2122.