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Florence, Italy

Location: Florence, Italy

Semester: Summer 2023

Course Code: IS 399: International Studies Florence (6 Credits)

Course Information: 6 credit hours. Choose two of the three following courses to fulfill curriculum requirements as needed:

ART 335: Special Topics in Art History – 3 credits

IS 399: International Studies – 3 credits

CON 311: Connections – 3 credits

Lead Faculty: Tim Speaker, Associate Professor of Art & Design

Travel Partner: Michael Marks, Associate Professor of Art & Design

Course Title: Visual Literacy in Italy.

Course Description: Art 335 is a study abroad course with emphasis placed on the study of themes of Italian works of art and design on site. A variety of learning techniques will be employed when appropriate, including but not limited to writing, journaling, discussion, and presentations. Students in the Special Topics in Art History study abroad class will gain an understanding of the history of Italian art from the Renaissance to the 21st century. Emphasis will be placed on developing a strong ability to discuss verbally and in writing historical, social, and aesthetic issues that shape and inform the work of Italian art on location in the historical centers of Florence, Rome, Sienna, and San Gimignano.

Travel Dates: May 20, 2023 to June 10, 2023

Estimated Cost: $5,250.00

Housing/Accommodations: Shared apartments

Program Fee/Course Fee: $5,250.00. The course fee does not include the cost of six credits tuition and fees or the round trip flight to Italy. It only includes the price for housing and tours.

Payment Schedule: The course fee of $5,250.00 needs to be paid in advance of the summer billing due date so we can pay our vendors in advance. All payments are non-refundable. The payment schedule is as follows:

November 15, 2022          $500.00
November 30, 2022.         $1000.00
December 15, 2022.         $1000.00
January 10, 2023.             $1000.00
February 1, 2023.              $1750.00 (Remaining course fee balance.)
*Please note course fee of $5250 does not include roundtrip flight, tuition, or fees.

Summer tuition and fees are due on May 5th.

Official Payment Link: Please use this link to make your payments for the course fee. Please make sure that when you make payment, you indicate that it is for the summer 2023 A semester. For deposit and payments use this link:

Financial Aid/Cost Estimate: Students should speak with financial aid about the possibility of using their federal aid for the summer. Financial aid counselors will help you determine any loan eligibility.Please contact the Financial Aid Office and then see a study abroad advisor in Center for Global Engagement after you meet with financial aid to review the total cost estimate for the program. Students who are eligible for a Pell grant for the summer can apply for a Gilman Scholarship: Please note the deadline to apply for Gilman is in early March. (Please note that students cannot use the AU Abroad scholarship for this program.)


COVID Vaccination Information: Please be advised that you must be fully vaccinated to attend this program. This includes boosters. Anderson University does not and cannot over-ride their requirement. The only waivers CAPA will accept are for medical reasons and we have no control over that process. While AU recommends following CDC vaccination guidance, on this program, the facilitators (CAPA) require all students to be fully vaccinated.


For additional information, please contact Professor Tim Speaker: or Professor Michael Marks: In addition, you can contact the Center for Global Engagement at for more information.