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England: Criminal Justice

Location: London, England

Semester: Spring 2018

Course Information: 3 credits – General Education

Lead Faculty: Dr. George Ducworth, Professor of Criminal Justice

Travel Assistant: Mr. Kevin Woolner, Adjunct Professor

Course Title: IS 398 – Legal Traditions of the World

Course Description: The course is a comparative criminal justice course designed to provide students with an immersion of English culture and direct experience of the English legal system. Students will engage, encounter and study a variety of aspects of the English criminal justice system. Areas of study will focus upon study and analysis of the English legal system and criminal justice in its broadest context. Students will be able to immerse themselves in a variety of religious and cultural sites of significant world historical interest in London itself. These include but not exclusively: Westminster Abbey, Hampton Court palace, the birth place of the Church of England, St. Paul’s Cathedral, St. Georges Chapel and other places of worship, including Regent’s Park Mosque and Shri Swaninaragan Mandir Hindu Temple.

Travel Dates: March 9-17, 2018

Price: $2,655.00

Housing/Accommodations: Local hotels.

Eligibility Requirements: Students must be eligible juniors or seniors (at least a 2.5 GPA) and who have not attended a previous AU Abroad program.

Scholarship: Scholarships are awarded to reduce the cost for travel, which is an additional fee from tuition and fees and charged as part of student’s registration for program. To be eligible for the AU Abroad scholarship of up to $1,000.00, students must either be a junior or senior. Scholarship amount depends upon GPA, class standing and financial need. (Sophomores nursing students are also eligible for AU Abroad scholarships.)

Contact: or for more information.