CARE Team The Anderson University Campus Assessment, Response, and Evaluation (CARE) Team cares about the academic, emotional, spiritual, and physical success of all students. Our mission is to promote the health and safety of all students and the campus community. The purpose of the C.A.R.E. Team is to be proactive in identifying and assisting students who are distressed and/or exhibiting disruptive or dangerous behaviors. Our goal is to come alongside students in need of support, guidance, or other intervention and connect them with the resources they need to be successful and hopefully reduce their risk for crisis.
The team is comprised of faculty and staff from across the university and meets on a weekly basis.
When Should I Make A Report
A report should be filed if you become aware of any of the following situations or behaviors.
- Behaviors that are threatening or have potential to harm others
- Abnormal behavior that disrupts the normal functioning of the campus environment
- Writings that communicate dangerous intentions to self or others
- Threatening posts online
- Noticeable and dramatic changes in day-to-day behavior (i.e. missing class, declining personal care, sleeping all the time, missing meals)
- University policy violations
- Disrupting class
- Death or illness in the family
For additional information about when to file a report, please view the CARE Team Decision Tree.
How To Make A Report
*The CARE Team is not tasked with responding to emergencies. If you are reporting an emergency or in need of immediate assistance or consultation, please contact the Campus Safety Office at (864) 231-2060.
To report an incident or a concern to the CARE Team please use one of the following forms.
What Happens After I File A Report?
All reports are reviewed by members of the CARE team to determine how to best respond. Please understand that due to confidentiality concerns it is unlikely that you will be notified as to the outcome of your concern. In some cases you may be contacted by a team member if there are questions about your report.