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Biology/Biochemistry – Pre-Pharmacy

At Anderson University, undergraduates who plan to pursue a degree in pharmacy will be prepared for the demands and challenges of pharmacy school. The College of Arts and Sciences recommends these students major in Biology or Biochemistry, both of which provide them a strong foundation for a future as a pharmacist. These programs provide the best preparation for the PCAT standardized test required for pharmacy school.

Biology or Biochemistry

Students who desire to pursue pharmacy degrees must first understand the root of human healthcare, which begins with comprehensive knowledge of living things.

Anderson prepares biology students with an overview of all areas of living things on the genetic, cellular and organismal levels. The university’s biochemistry students study the areas of chemistry most relevant to living systems on a cellular and molecular level in order to understand biological concepts.

Some pre-pharmacy students choose to apply to Pharm.D. programs during their junior year and are accepted without completing a bachelor’s degree. Others choose to finish their undergraduate degree and apply to pharmacy school during their senior year at Anderson.

The foundation for human health

Core classes lay the groundwork for both for Biology and Biochemistry majors to study pharmacology and drug interaction with the human body. These students must take courses in general biology and chemistry along with cellular biology, genetics and organic chemistry during the first two years at Anderson.

Additional upper-level courses in the major and electives will further prepare students for their career path. Future pharmacists must understand the chemistry underlying the way in which medicinal drugs produce their pharmacological effect. Multiple chemistry and physics courses prepare students to understand how these compounds affect the human body.

Successful pharmacists also benefit from developing relationships with patients, physicians and other pharmacists. Effective communication skills, offered in Anderson’s public speaking or communications courses, help pharmacists deliver quality care to each and every patient.

Research opportunities

As a requirement for their degree, Anderson’s Biology and Biochemistry students work closely with a selected faculty member to design and complete a research project. A variety of research fields are available, including chemical modeling programs for students interested in medicinal chemistry. Projects conducted at the university’s Center for Cancer Research are especially relevant for students planning for graduate work in medicine.

The on-campus human cadaver laboratory located in the School of Nursing provides a rare undergraduate opportunity for preparation in medical fields. All anatomy and physiology labs include several experiences in this facility, and some students choose to complete research projects involving the cadaver lab.

Choosing Anderson

Professors at Anderson prepare students with the appropriate vocabulary and academic concepts needed in the pharmaceutical world, but also emphasize the importance of developing critical-thinking skills to evaluate the underlying principles of science. Our students are prepared to problem-solve and consider new approaches for patient care.

Anderson’s small student-teacher ratio provides deeper relationships between professors and undergraduates. Students find these relationships helpful for one-on-one advising and, later, for recommendation letters as they near the completion of their degrees.

Medical professions provide excellent venues for Anderson students to exhibit Christian service. Pharmacists often spend time interacting with their clients, especially those with complicated medical histories. The knowledge that every person is created in the image of God encourages Christian pharmacists to cultivate caring, long-term relationships with patients. Anderson students understand the inherent value of every human life, inspiring them to excel in their field.