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AU News

AU to hold public hearing as part of EPA grant application

November 28, 2016

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Anderson University will hold a public meeting on Thursday, December 1 at 4:30 pm in the Chapman Multimedia Center of the Thrift Library, as part of its application for a grant for clean up of the site of the Seabrook building adjacent to the wetlands property near the AU Athletic Campus. The university is seeking funds for brownfield environmental work at the site in an ongoing partnership between AU, the City of Anderson, and the Rocky River Conservancy to develop a park and environmental education center around the natural wetlands of the Rocky River. 

Anderson University is submitting a Brownfields Cleanup Grant Application to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to conduct cleanup activities at the Seabrook Building at 821 Williamston Road, Anderson, South Carolina 29621.   The property is identified by Tax Map Number 141-19-03-001-000.   Brownfields are identified as real property where the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant.  The grant amount requested is $200,000 with the University making a match of $40,000.  If funded, the grant will be used for cleanup work as well as community outreach.  The cleanup work will be performed in accordance with one of the alternatives outlined in the Analysis of Brownfields Cleanup Alternatives (ABCA).  The purpose of the ABCA is to evaluate various cleanup/management alternatives for existing debris and contaminated surface and sub-surface soils.  This notice is to inform the community of the preparation of the grant application and the draft ABCA. The ABCA is available for public comment for 30 days starting December 1, 2016, and ending   December 31,2016.  A draft copy of the ABCA and the draft grant application will be available at the Anderson University office located at 316 Boulevard, Merritt Administration Building, President’s Office, Thursday, December 1st until (30 days later).  Community input is an integral and meaningful part of this type of project, and public and community-based organizations are encouraged to review the draft grant application and ABCA and provide comments.  This matter will be discussed in a public meeting on Thursday, December 1, 2016 at 4:30 pm at the Thrift Library, Chapman Multimedia Center located at Anderson University Anderson, South Carolina 29621. Interested citizens are invited to attend the meeting.  Interested community-based organizations are also encouraged to contact Dean Woods or Gail Rawls Jeter to provide comments and/or show support.   Please contact or send any comments about the grant application and/or draft ABCA to the following:

Dean Woods
Vice President for Principal Gifts and Special Assistant to the President

Anderson University
316 Boulevard, Anderson, SC  29621
(864) 231-2068 – Phone


Gail Rawls Jeter

Cardno, Inc
1812 Lincoln Street, Suite 301
Columbia, South Carolina  29201
(803) 929-6059 – Phone

News Release Contact

Executive Director for Public Relations