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Arts and Sciences Students Publish Spring Edition of Synthesis

June 4, 2020
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The latest edition of the Anderson University College of Arts and Sciences' award-winning, student-produced magazine, Synthesis, is now available.

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Synthesis, an online magazine produced by students in the Anderson University College of Arts and Sciences, just published its spring, 2020 edition.

Launched in 2019, Synthesis is produced by students in the Communication Department’s Editing and Layout course, taught by Professor Robert Reeves. He said he is especially impressed by students who were forced to finish the magazine remotely amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

“Students really had to make full use of the digital skills they have been learning at Anderson University with this issue after COVID-19 forced a move to online-only collaboration after Spring Break,” Reeves said. “I thought they did an excellent job of overcoming logistical hurdles to put together an issue that truly demonstrates how students synthesize knowledge and skills to create something new and solve problems.”

The spring, 2020 edition contains feature articles and photography from 15 College of Arts and Sciences students and is available now. Its inaugural issue won the Palmetto Award of Merit by the International Association of Business Communicators and a Silver Wings Award of Merit by the Public Relations Society of America. 

“With stories ranging from one that examines how science and art students are both using the cadaver lab to gain greater insight into the human body to another exploring how the Harry Potter book series helps students think critically about how literature is constructed, we see College of Arts and Sciences students and faculty expanding our understanding of the world,” Reeves said.

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