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For Faculty

Graduate Writing Hub Communication Statements

To ensure consistent communication, we ask that faculty members include the following paragraph in their syllabi or on their Canvas course should they desire their students to use the Graduate Writing Hub instead of writing their own description. This paragraph can also be included in department or program orientation materials.

The Graduate Writing Hub is committed to supporting graduate students across Anderson University’s graduate programs as they become participants in their discipline or profession. Writing is a community endeavor, not just an individual one, so students are invited to schedule one-on-one appointments with our writing coaches to receive feedback on their writing, learn to manage their writing projects, become familiar with academic writing conventions, and develop writing practices that work for them. The Graduate Writing Hub also collaborates with other campus entities to host learning and community building activities through writing throughout the year. You can make appointments and connect with the Graduate Writing Hub via their website [website here] or email them at

You can download a copy of this statement as well as a short video introducing the Graduate Writing Hub, both of which you can post to your Canvas course. Click HERE to access these materials.

Requiring Graduate Writing Hub Appointments

You are welcome to require students to attend coaching sessions as part of an assignment grade or course grade. Students will receive a session summary for each appointment they complete; they can submit this summary to you as proof that they had the requisite number of appointments. For simplicity, the Graduate Writing Hub does not provide other kinds of appointment proof.

When you do require students to attend coaching sessions, we ask that you require no more than two sessions per course per semester. Please be mindful that other courses may require your students to attend sessions as well, the Graduate Writing Hub has a limited number of appointments available, and we provide appointments on a first come first served basis. If you are requiring students to receive feedback on a specific aspect of their written work (e.g., their APA style, their thesis statement), or you’ve noticed a common area in which all your students could use support, consider collaborating with the director to conduct a workshop in your course or to create another resource to support your students.

The Graduate Writing Hub as Your Resource

The Graduate Writing Hub also supports faculty as teachers of writing in their disciplines. You are welcome to make a one-on-one appointment with the director or any of our coaches to discuss designing new writing assignments or revising existing ones for courses you teach. You can email the director and arrange a meeting outside of regular coaching times; if you prefer to work with another one of our coaches, you can make an appointment with them on their existing coaching schedule. The director also collaborates with the CTLE, CIDL, and other campus entities in faculty development opportunities throughout the year.

As an AU faculty member, you can also make appointments for feedback on your own writing. If you are working on a journal article, book chapter, conference paper, or grant proposal; revamping course writing assignments; revising syllabi; or working on any other kind of writing related to your own scholarly or professional work, we hope that you will make appointments with the director or any of our writing coaches and set an example for your students that all writers benefit from feedback on their written work and community support during their writing process.