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AU News

1st Baptist Belton Honors Long Time AU Professor Pat Mulligan

November 23, 2014

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The Rev. Dale Lynch, who along with his wife is an Anderson alumnus, and the First Baptist Church in Belton declared Sunday, November 16 Pat Mulligan Day at which drew an audience of relatives, friends, and co-workers from church and Anderson University where she worked as a professor for 28 years. Mrs. Mulligan (center) served the church in the mission fields of Turkey and Russia. Tim Bently who worked alongside Ms. Mulligan, came from Turkey to deliver the message for the service. Pat Mulligan has been a member at BFBC while raising her family, teaching at AU, and continuing to work after retirement as she traveled in missionary work for the past 15 years. Special recognition and presentation for her service at home and to other countries around the world were made by Dean Woods, Vice President for Institutional Advancement. Also pictured are Dr. Bob Hanley, an Anderson professor and his wife Nancy who heads the Lifelong Learning program at AU. The church established an endowed scholarship at the University in honor of Pat and her service to the International Mission Board. The scholarship is designed to assist the children of missionaries in attending Anderson University.

*Pictured – Dean Woods, Pat Mulligan, Nancy Hanley, Bob Hanley

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