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England: Stratford & London Theatre

Location: Stratford and London, England

Semester: Spring 2018

Course Information: 3 credits – General Education

Lead Faculty: Cara Wood, Associate Professor of Theatre

Travel Assistant: Dr. Terrie Poore, Assistant Professor of Theatre/Dance

Course Title: IS 398. Shakespeare’s World: The Royal Shakespeare Company, Stratford & London Theatre

Course Description: The course will expose students to Shakespeare’s life and work. The travel components will give students the opportunity to attend numerous professional plays and/or musicals performed in London and Stratford (The Royal Shakespeare Company). The course will allow students to attend a workshop by The Royal Shakespeare Company, visit the stage and backstage areas and numerous other educational opportunities. We will also visit Shakespeare’s birthplace while in Stratford. Moving to London, students will visit the Globe Theatre and work with the Globe Education Faculty. Guest lectures from Shakespeare scholars will be given and students will attend Shakespeare productions at the Globe. Students will also tour London historical sites (British Museum, Houses of Parliament, Piccadilly Circus, St. Paul’s Cathedral, and Tower of London) and attend performances at London theatres. (Specific performances will be named closer to the date.) 

Travel Dates: March 11-17, 2018

Price: $2590.00

Housing/Accommodations: Local hotels

Eligibility Requirements: Students must be eligible juniors or seniors (at least a 2.5 GPA) who have not attended a previous AU Abroad program.

Scholarship: Scholarships are awarded to reduce the cost for travel, which is an additional fee from tuition and fees and charged as part of student’s registration for program. To be eligible for the AU Abroad scholarship of up to $1,000.00, students must either be a junior or senior. Scholarship amount depends upon GPA, class standing and financial need. (Sophomores nursing students are also eligible for AU Abroad scholarships.)

Contact: or for more information.