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England: Health Professions

Location: England

Semester: Spring 2019

Course Information: 3 credits – Core Course/General Education

Lead Faculty: Dr. Chris Hopkins, Assistant Professor, College of Health Professions

Travel Assistant: Dr. Casey Hopkins, PhD, Assistant Professor of Nursing

Course Title: London’s Health in History: Deadly Epidemics and the City’s Resolve

Course Code: IS 398 England

Course Description: An introduction to public health theory and practice with immersion in the cultural hub of London, England. This course will provide students interested in healthcare with an overview of basic principles of public health including methods to investigate the distribution and determinants of disease, as well as the cultural and political factors surrounding public health policy and practice. Students will take advantage of London’s museums and institutions to study the city’s deadliest epidemics and the public health breakthroughs that followed, while engaging in service activities focused on current global health issues. 

Travel Dates: Spring Break 2019 (Tentative – TBA)

Price: $2689.00

Housing/Accommodations: Local hotels

Eligibility Requirements: All students can register for AU Abroad courses with academic advisor approval. Freshman and sophomores can attend, but are not eligible for AU abroad scholarship. (For scholarship eligibility see below.) Please note that space is limited. Registration for AU Abroad courses are through the regular registration cycle. Scholarship: AU Abroad scholarships of up to $1,000.00 are available for juniors and seniors. Scholarship amount depends upon GPA, class standing and financial need. (Sophomores nursing and education majors are also eligible for the AU Abroad scholarships.) Scholarships are awarded to reduce the cost for travel, which is an additional fee from tuition and fees and charged as part of student’s registration for program. Students need a minimum 2.5 GPA to apply for the scholarship and must not have received an AU Abroad scholarship in the past.

Scholarship: Scholarships are awarded to reduce the cost for travel, which is an additional fee from tuition and fees and charged as part of student’s registration for program. To be eligible for the AU Abroad scholarship of up to $1,000.00, students must either be a junior or senior. Scholarship amount depends upon GPA, class standing and financial need. (Sophomores nursing and education majors are also eligible for the AU Abroad scholarships.)

Contact: or for more information.

Registration: Students register for AU Abroad during their normal registration for the semester. Registration is based upon class standing. Payment can be made in person, in Anderson Central (G. Ross Anderson Jr. Student Center) or online through self-service. You can pre-pay for any AU Abroad program by making a deposit to the semester account which the class will take place. Please advise Anderson Central that the pre-payment is for AU Abroad, as well as the semester and which country you will be travelling.

The payment schedule will be:

First deposit: November 19th $300.00 

* Extended to Monday, November 26th! (This is because of the on-going registrations for the program!)

November 31st: $500.00 

December 7th: $500.00 

December 15th: $500.00 

January 3rd Final Payment = Balance due: $889.00 (Balance minus any AU Abroad scholarship awarded.)

(Payments are non-refundable unless the class is canceled for lack of enrollment.)