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James T. Turner, Jr. (JT)

College of Christian Studies
College of Christian Studies
Associate Professor of Philosophy
(864) 231-5545
Academic Background

Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Edinburgh

Master of Theology, Erskine College and Seminary

M.A in Religion, Liberty University

B.S, Liberty University

Teaching at AU

What year did you start teacing at AU?


How would you describe your classes to someone who has never attended one?

Philosophy is done in dialectic; that is, we pursue ideas through back-and-forth dialogue. We analyze arguments for positions and think about the consequences of ideas.




(864) 231-5545

Fast Facts

Philosophy is done in dialectic; that is, we pursue ideas through back-and-forth dialogue. We analyze arguments for positions and think about the consequences of ideas.

Introduction to Philosophy and Moral Reasoning; Issues in Theology; and other philosophy courses as the program develops

I teach philosophy at AU because I think there’s a deep connection between the Christian life, Christian education, and philosophical reasoning. Of all the places that should teach philosophy and require it of its students, it’s at a Christian university. I teach here because, in part, AU values that insight and actively seeks that it’s accomplished.

Studying philosophy isn’t about getting a job; it’s about becoming a better human being. Of course, better humans make better and more attractive (to employers) employees, too.

The students, my fellow faculty, and that my wife works here.

On the Resurrection of the Dead: A New Metaphysics of Afterlife for Christian Thought. London, UK: Routledge, 2018.

“Why a Bodily Resurrection? The Bodily Resurrection and the Mind/Body Problem.” Journal of Analytic Theology (5) 2017: 121 – 144